Atlantis Brings Clee Hill Plant Bulk Fuel Benefits
Atlantis Brings Clee Hill Bulk Fuel Benefits – StoraFuel
The Challenge
As a leading construction plant hire company, Clee Hill Plant wanted to bring savings to the cost of fuelling its road transport and mobile support vehicles for the UK’s largest fleet of compaction and road surface dressing machinery.
Managing fuel purchases across the company had previously been through a fuel card system, but this was susceptible to fuel price fluctuations and additional charges.
The Solution
Realising that bulk storage at plant depots would enable them to buy white diesel more competitively, Clee Hill approached Atlantis Tanks for advice on the various options available to them and for the product that would best meet their requirements.
They subsequently presented Atlantis with many variations to their product specifications and requested a fresh quotation for each variation, finally selecting a 12,000 litre bunded steel diesel storage tank and fuel dispenser system.
Customer Feedback
“Communication from Atlantis was excellent at every stage of the project. They clearly presented all the options available to us and willingly supplied new pricing for every change we made to specifications until we were satisfied with our chosen product configuration.
“Throughout the ordering and production process, Atlantis kept us informed of progress so we could plan delivery and installation around our busy workshop schedules.
“On the day of delivery, the driver was extremely helpful and the operation was completed without a hitch and in the words of our workshop supervisor it was “spot on”.” Clee Hill Plant Ltd
- Atlantis Tanks –
- Clee Hill Plant Ltd –